Our Journey to Heart Health (Part 6)



For those of you who are following along on our heart health journey, I thought I would post an update. As of Tuesday, it has been 5 weeks since my husband had his triple by-pass surgery. He is doing amazingly well. He and I walk 2 miles a day together at a pretty fast pace. (We’re getting very close to my usual 15 minutes per mile) He is almost back to his full schedule at work now, but has implemented a lunch hour spent at home to relax and regroup which I hope sticks for the long haul. Fortunately, we live only 8 minutes from his office so it is convenient for him to come home.

We have settled into a healthy eating routine. We now have a superfood salad or tuna sandwich for lunch along with some fresh fruit and have been eating mainly fish, vegetarian selections and fresh vegetables for dinner. We both usually eat oatmeal for breakfast or occasionally, eggs or other whole grain cereal. We have left our sweet tea and sugary soda behind…choosing instead plain water, flavored water, or occasionally diet soda. ( I know the natural food purists will not like that!) I will definitely continue serving sweet tea to our dinner guests, of course…or they would have to revoke my southern hostess card! As for dairy…we are still eating it. It would be extremely hard for us to give up our cheese and milk (skim). Comment below if you have an opinion on the problems with, or the benefits of, dairy. All in all, we both feel much better, have more energy, and know that we are helping to improve our future health picture.

We significantly cut back on eating out once we realized the amount of salt, fat and calories we saved by doing so. When we have ventured out, we chose the healthiest items on the menu. (Although, I must confess, my daughter and I munched way too eagerly on chips and salsa in front of my husband at a restaurant recently while he abstained…sorry honey!)

I have been on the lookout for magazines or cookbooks with whole food/vegetarian/healthy, recipes but have not found anything too promising. I like things with colorful pictures so that I know what I’m shooting for. If you have any ideas, please comment and let me know.

My husband’s ulna discomfort and numbness continues to be a distraction for him. He still has no feeling in the ring fingers and pinkies of both his hands and occasionally has shooting hand pain. Hence, for now I am the official shoe-tier (tie-er?) and button-buttoner.

Other than that, his chest and leg scars have healed up nicely with no problems and he is sleeping much better.

Last week we went back to our church for the first time. It was a joy to catch up with friends and to hear our pastor teach God’s Word in that steady, familiar, uncompromising way of his. We have missed our church.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support! Continue to pray for healing of the ulna discomfort and that he would regain the feeling in his hands. God is good all the time!


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2 Responses to Our Journey to Heart Health (Part 6)

  1. Alison says:

    Go to the library and check out Oh She Glows and Forks Over Knives. They both have some decent pictures and recipes. Against All Grain is another I looked at, but I forget whether or not it has pictures. If you cannot find the first two, stop by the house. I have them.


Would love to hear your thoughts!